courtesy Unholy War Studios
We live in a time that is open to drug interpretations and liberal in the way we engage with mind altering substances. It is still quite a dangerous world as consumption of street products can ultimately lead to death. One brand taking this into account and charging up a storm of activism is Unholy War Studios by Jesse Cabral, who is has had to deal with his own hardships of addiction and slain friends, the brand itself if a dedicated project to a friend who had passed in 2018 due to a fentanyl overdose.
- courtesy Unholy War Studios
- courtesy Unholy War Studios
The main goal on the brand is to ultimately make an impact in communities that may be left in danger without a social response to raise awareness and protect the streets. The brand plans to provide test strips for fentanyl testing and also use the platform to open up discussions as well as launch a nonprofit.
- courtesy Unholy War Studios
- courtesy Unholy War Studios