- Nick Grigolia wears Willy Chavarria Tuxedo top and tie. Crown available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears Willy Chavarria Tuxedo top and tie. Crown available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears Willy Chavarria Tuxedo top and tie. Crown available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears Willy Chavarria Tuxedo top and tie. Crown available at Paume Los Angeles
Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, success and generosity. The feeling of joy is most closely associated With the planet Jupiter. Whatever Jupiter touches, it expands. For example, while Jupiter travels over your relationship house, the 7th house of the zodiac’s 12 houses, the love department will expand and be a theme for the year. There will be two major Jupiter transits for the year 2024. Jupiter has been in Taurus since May 16, 2023, and will continue to be in Taurus until May 25, 2024. On that day, Jupiter will switch into Gemini, and continue to bring more blessings, but with different themes.
It is important to read horoscopes based on your Ascendant/rising sign. (If you don’t know your rising sign, you can easily get it online by typing in your birthday details: date of birth, birthplace and most importantly the exact time of birth.) Knowing your rising sign will produce the most accurate horoscope reading! It sets up the houses in the correct order-the houses that the planets travel through. You can also read for your sun and moon signs.
Aries Rising
Jupiter in Taurus has been transiting your 2nd house, the house of values and monetary possessions, bringing and expanding your good fortune. So it is very likely that you’ve been attracting money more easily and generally enjoying a lucky financial year. It is important to remember that this energy is here to support you, not do things for you. If you sit back and do nothing, your bank account will not expand. But if you put Jupiter’s energy to work in your favor, your bank account will expand.
It is likely you started a new business this year, or recently introduced new systems of monetizing into your life. You’ve been spending a lot of money but also making a lot of money. That old quote, “you need to spend money to make money,” has been the theme of your life over the past year. You’ve also been reassessing your value system, and letting go of thoughts and attachments that no longer serve you.
On May 25, 2024, Jupiter will enter Gemini and transit your 3rd house, the house of learning and communication. This will be a lively and social time for you. You will expand your intellectual pursuits, make new friends and, in general, feel lucky on a day-to-day basis. You may start writing a book or launch a blog, podcast or even a social media channel to support a new business you opened in 2023. This will be a lucky time for you to just go out and expand your social circles whether it’s in person or online through social media. The 3rd house rules transportation as well, so maybe you’ll be buying a car, or if you already have a car, then you may be upgrading to a better and more stylish automobile. Make sure to use Jupiters energy in your favor!
Leo Rising
This year has been a major career year for you, Leo risings. Jupiter is transiting your 10th house, the house of career and public reputation. You’ve been receiving the recognition you deserve and elevating your career to the next level. It feels as if all eyes are on you! You’re confident, sociable and ready to achieve success. Either everyone wants to work with you, be around you or simply be you.
Jupiter is holding your hand, fully supporting you.The 10th house is the highest point in a chart, which means this year has been the most public year you’ve experienced in a while. You’ve met many people and opened many career doors. The urge to rebrand yourself is very prominent. Maybe you felt stuck in certain routines that weren’t working for you, or maybe you were burnt out or simply just bored. You introduced new methods to elevate your career or possibly even made a complete rebrand and came back stronger, fresher and newer than ever. It is important to keep your ego in check, because as a Leo rising you are ruled by the sun, and with Jupiter helping you have a streak of wins, there is a danger of overinflating your ego. A healthy ego is always necessary, but it is also important to keep it in check because it could also be the death of you.
Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25th in 2024 and will transit your 11th house, the house of friendship, community and dreams. You’ve had a major career year when Jupiter was in Taurus, and now it’s time for you to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of your labor. As a Leo rising you are used to doing everything on your own and on your own terms. But try to be receptive to the help and support other people have to offer while you form genuine friendships and cultivate a loving support system. This is a perfect time for you to go out and be social, be a part of groups and any networking situation. It is important to say “YES” as much as you can because it will open many doors for you. People want to help you so do not reject their help. The 11th house is where your wishes come true, so strive to use this favorable energy in your favor.
Sagittarius Rising
Your 6th house, the house of service, health and routines, is ruled by Taurus, which means Jupiter was transiting that area of your life. As a Sagittarius rising you naturally tend to be more of a go-with-the-flow type, but this year you’ve cultivated a stronger sense of routine and discipline in your work, health, fitness and diet of your everyday life. You might have joined a gym and begun a new fitness program. Jupiter brings good fortune, and in the house of health, better health. Better health could involve getting rid of bad habits such as smoking or excessive drinking, drinking more water, or going on walks and connecting with nature. This year was less about doing whatever you feel like, whenever you feel like doing it. It was more about creating a routine and a plan you stick to everyday.
Work has been more prosperous for you as well. You might have received a bonus or have experienced more luck and harmony in your work lite. Jupiter’s transit will continue to May 25, 2024, when it will enter your 7th house, the house of committed partnerships. This year will be the year of love, whether it’s romantic, platonic or self-love. If you’re already in a committed relationship, you may be taking it to the next level such as marriage. If you’re single, you may commit to a long-term relationship. Your connection with people will be on a deeper level. You will find lifelong platonic love in friendships. In business, you may be offered a contract that will elevate your work status. Jupiter has a lot of love in store for you, so make sure to embrace the energy and remember that everything starts from self-love.
- Nick Grigolia wears Armen Ra necklace and all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears Armen Ra necklace and all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears Armen Ra necklace and all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears Armen Ra necklace and all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears Armen Ra necklace and all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears Armen Ra necklace and all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
Virgo Rising
Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, has been gracing your 9th house, the house of higher knowledge, travel and philosophy since May 2023 and will continue to do so until May 2024. During this time, encounters with people different from you (of all cultures) have been highlighted. You have most likely traveled more than usual, which has formed new connections and opened doors that will benefit you. If you haven’t been physically traveling, you’ve been traveling in your mind all over the world, embracing new land, cultures, people, foods, and knowledge. Another highlight of this time could be entering into or graduating from a new program, or becoming a teacher or guru of some sort and passing down your knowledge to others. As a Virgo rising, you have a tendency to be more stubborn with your thought process, but this year has been the year of opening your mind, trying new things, absorbing wisdom and exploring the world.
Jupiter switches over into Gemini on May 5th, 2024, entering your 10th house, the house of career and public reputation. The 10th house is the highest point in your chart and you will have a full year of Jupiter bringing abundance into that area of your life. From May 25, 2024, to June 9, 2025, the energy favors recognition for all of your efforts and a major upward career path. It is very likely you may even change locations, or travel more for your career. You will also feel confident and sociable in career matters. But while Jupiter brings you good fortune and results, it is important to not become arrogant, because if you do, your ego can get the best of you and will you miss out on all the favorable opportunities Jupiter has in store for you.
Taurus Rising
Taurus rules your first house, the house of YOU. How you look, how the world sees you, how you see the world. Jupiter has been in Taurus since May of 2023, and you will be the star of the show for a year. This is a new 12-year cycle of growth and maturing, an opportunity for you to learn much more about yourself. The spotlight is on you. If you’ve struggled with confidence and self-worth, this is the year for you to develop and build both worth and confidence and form a more concrete identity.
You’ve been inclined to change your appearance in drastic ways, whether it’s your hair, clothing style, your aura and perception on life, or all of the above. I can see you working with a camera—may-be modeling, acting, becoming an influencer of some sort. You’ve been feeling more joyful and attracting lucky opportunities on social occasions. It may feel as if everything is turning out in your favor. You’ve been attracting people like a magnet because everyone has been seeing your growth. In May 2024, Jupiter will enter Gemini and transit your 2nd house, the house of values, money and possessions. While Jupiter expands, it will also be a great time for your bank account to expand as well. Remember, when the energy is in your favor, you must put in the work. If you sit back and do nothing, the energy will be wasted. So if you’ve been thinking of introducing new monetizing systems into your life, then this is your confirmation. Open that business you were thinking of start-ing. Monetize your talents and claim your rewards. You got this!
Jupiter has your back!
Capricorn Rising
Capricorn Rising
Taurus rules your 5th house, which is the house of creativity, art and the pleasures of life. As a Capricorn rising, you are ruled by the planet Saturn, so being overly strict with yourself and feeling burdened by the weight of the world may be your norm. But Jupiter has been helping you connect to your inner child. You are laughing more, going out more, and, most importantly, expressing yourself more. The theme of the past year and up until May 25, 2024, is self-expression. This energy has guided you to take acting classes, singing classes or classes involving other artistic forms of expression such as dancing, painting, music, etc. As a Capricorn rising, you rely on your mind and tend to neglect your heart. But it is very important for you to try to regularly connect with your heart, your soul, and, most importantly, your inner child. People like yourself who are ruled by Saturn often feel frozen from having fun by their tendency to think too much. Do not be embarrassed! LAUGH! The good kind of laughter that hurts your stomach. Dance, sing, express yourself. Life is too short to worry about what others think. This is a time that supports romantic pursuits, so you may get entangled in a fun love affair, or possibly even multiple love affairs. If you feel you’ve lost a sense of routine and discipline, do not worry.
Jupiter will be entering your oth house, the house of service, health and routines, on May 25, 2024. Next year will be the year of health.
You will commit to improving your physical and spiritual well-be-ing. You may change your diet, set fitness goals and take your exercise regimen to a new level. But remember to practice moderation in all endeavors. Excess can create new problems. The oth house is the house of routine, so your day-to-day life will become easier and more harmonious. Your work life will be more prosperous. You will land a new job or the conditions of your current job will improve greatly. My advice to you is to avoid becoming trapped in negative thought patterns. Keep connecting with your inner child while living the life of a responsible adult. The balance between the heart and mind is key.
- Nick Grigolia wears all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
Gemini Rising
Jupiter in Taurus has been transiting your 12th house, the house of spirituality, solitude, and sacrihces. Although these themes may sound gloomy, Jupiter is the planet of expansion and good fortune so if you allow the energy of Jupiter to guide you, you will find light in the darkness. As a Gemini rising, you are naturally very social and inclined to always be doing something with someone. The thought of being alone makes you feel extremely lonely, but this year you have been isolated more than normal and embracing loneliness. It may feel like you have been taking a long spiritual hibernation.
While you already have a sharp mind, this year you’ve been developing and sharpening your intuition, connecting with your soul and spiritual self as Jupiter transits over your mystical 12th house. As a Gemini rising, you tend to get stuck in your mind and create mental clutter. But you’ve been learning to trust your gut instinct more, and that has made you more decisive. You found light in your solitude and no longer feel attached to other people or outside forces. Peace, love and validation comes from within. That’s what Jupiter has been teaching you. Rest assured, the solitude does not continue for much longer.
Jupiter will enter Gemini in May 2024, which will activate your first house, the house of YOU, and bring you into the spotlight. Before then, it is highly recommended you continue resting men-tally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. You’re still in your hibernating phase, recharging your battery to its fullest capacity so you can step out into the world and celebrate. In May 2024, it will feel like you are starting fresh on an empty slate. The energy is in your favor and will help you radiate confidence and do whatever it is that you please. Don’t forget to use the themes you’ve learned about trusting your intuition and gut. If you rely only on your mind, there is a high probability of mental clutter. Don’t think too much. Simply take a step forward and do. This is your time to be a leader. Jupiter is holding your hand. It is your time to achieve everything you want, so make sure to use this energy in your favor! You will be shining bright like the sun.
Libra Rising
Jupiter in Taurus has been transiting your 8th house, the house of mental health, debt and shared income. This past year has been all about mental health. Deep-rooted issues and traumas resurfaced.Bad habits damaged your health, relationships were unhealthy, old commitments added stress to your life, and patterns of behavior stunted your growth. Now is the time to take care of these problems and move to the next chapter of your life. This is the year for finding a therapist, rewiring your brain, actively working on healing yourself, and learning how to trust your intuition. But re-member: these energies will work in your favor only if you actually embrace them. While Jupiter brings luck and faith, the 8th house is also the house of life and death. Now you will let go of the old version of yourself and experience a rebirth of healing and clarity.
The 8th house also rules finances and shared income. You may receive unexpected sources of income. A big check you didn’t expect, a highly paid new job ofter, or a pay increase at your job. You may even feel inspired to make new investments, in both yourself and the financial world. You will dedicate more time, energy and money to yourself. Under the influence of the 8th house, these new investments will help you feel better internally.
After a heavy, but very beneficial and liberating 8th house Jupiter transit, Jupiter will enter Gemini and transit your 9th house, the house of travel and higher knowledge. This is when you will be rewarded for all the hard work you’ve done. You will broaden your horizons by traveling around the world and meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures.
Aquarius Rising
Taurus rules your 4th house, the house of your literal home life. Jupiter has been transiting your 4th house the past year and will continue to do so until May 2024. This year has focused on your domestic lite: moving locations, decorating, or simply just elevating your living situation into a more comfortable and pleasurable experience. There is a high chance you moved back to live with your family. Even if you have not moved back to the family home, you have been reconnecting with tamily members and deepening your bonds. You may have also rekindled your relationships with people from the past from whom you’ve drifted apart, or people with whom you had a falling out. This year has also been a very nostalgic time, a time for remembering your past and reconnecting with your inner child. Aquarians are not known for their emotional vulnerability, something you simply do not show others. But now your emotional comtort has become your main focus, and you’ve been tapping into your emotions more and sharing a more vulnerable side of you with close friends and family. Never be embarrassed about your feelings! Your feelings are valid. Don’t let anybody make you feel otherwise. Soon, you will enjoy life much more.
Jupiter will enter Gemini in May 2024 and transit your 5th house, the house of creativity, self-expression and the arts. You will smile more, laugh more, and overall have a lot of fun. You will also express yourself artistically, and may take up acting, dancing, singing or some other artistic form of expression. Express yourselt! Beginning in May of 2024, we all will be having fun. Start saying “YES” to new experiences and new people. Smile a lot and laugh hard!
The energy will also favor romance, so don’t be surprised if you get entangled in love affairs. As an Aquarius rising you are ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitations and restrictions, so make sure you keep that side of you in check so that Jupiter can work its expansive and fortune magic!
- Nick Grigolia wears all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
Pisces Rising
Jupiter in Taurus will be transiting your 3rd house, the house of learning and communication, until May 2024. During the past year, you may have expanded your intellectual pursuits and social circles. Writing and talking are major themes. Perhaps you began writing a book, launched a podcast or social media channel. Maybe you were required to do a lot more research this year, or send many more emails than normal. The prevailing themes of speech, whether verbal or written, has been helping you network more in your local communities. As a Pisces rising vulnerable to brain fog, your mind has become clearer and sharper. Your curiosity is at its highest level. This is a very optimistic time for you, a time for pursuing intellectual pursuits and new experiences.
Jupiter enters Gemini in May 2024 and will be transiting your 4th house, which is the house of family and home. You will feel inclined to hibernate and take a back seat from the outside world.
You will find comfort and peace from the luxury of your room. You may even move to a completely different apartment or house, somewhere more elevated and cozier than your current one. If not, you will continue renovating your space until it is the sanctuary you desire. Family may be a prominent theme for you during this time. You might move back to your place of birth, move in with your family, or simply just spend more time with them. Your home should be where you feel most at peace, and that is the theme of 2024 for you once Jupiter enters Gemini in May.
Cancer Rising
This year has been all about community for you, dear Cancer rising. Jupiter in Taurus has been transiting your 11th house, the house of friendship, community and dreams. You’ve been connecting with people on a deeper level and forming genuine friendships. You have created a support system and a community where you feel safe. You’ve been finding more ways to connect with people and humanity. As a Cancer rising, your intuition is strong and you care about people immensely. You’ve planted many seeds with the relationships you’ve formed and those relationships will all blossom when the time comes. In the meantime, keep enjoying yourself. Keep going out and connecting with people. It is a perfect time to strengthen your friendships, create new ones and involve yourself in groups. The themes aren’t limited only to friendships. They also include work-related groups and organizations. Networking is key in advancing your career and making dreams come true. The more people you know, the more doors you open. This year you have discovered all the doors you can open and all the routes you can travel. You may even have discovered new and different career paths.
The 11th house makes your wishes come true. So have faith in the seeds you’ve planted because they will blossom soon! Jupiter will enter Gemini in May 2024, and transit your 12th house, the house of spirituality, solitude, sacrifices and mental health. During this time you will feel more inclined to be alone. Contact with other people and outside forces will drain your energy, so you will protect it by keeping to yourself. But Jupiter will bring you warmth in your solitude, so the solitude won’t be gloomy. It will be a time of getting to know your inner world better and eliminating outside forces that do not belong in your life. You will even feel motivated to take your health, especially mental health, more seriously than you ever have before. This will be a very healing time for you, so make sure to fully embrace what Jupiter has to offer.
Scorpio Rising
Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion, has been transiting your 7th house, the house of committed partnerships since May 2023 and will continue to do so all the way till May 2024.
Committed partnerships could mean romantic, platonic and or business. The energy of Jupiter has been working in your favor to truly understand what love is. Many of you could have gotten in a long term relationship, or it you were already in one, you might have taken it to the next level such as marriage. It doesn’t always have to be romantic! The past year you have been forming more genuine bonds with people and connecting on a deeper level. You have found friends you will keep for life. Self love is another route Jupiter may have taken you on during this transit. Jupiter was guiding you to embrace yourself, your needs, your heart and to radiate love from within. As a Scorpio rising, you may be used to feeling intense or heavy on a daily basis, and Jupiter has brought you more warmth. Business is also a theme during this time. Maybe you felt more lucky in the business department, have incorporated new ways to monetize, formed connections to elevate your busi-ness, or you simply just restructured your direction. As a Scorpio rising you are naturally distrustful so do not repress the luck Jupiter has been sending your way and will continue to send! Always trust your intuition because that is your superpower. Try your best to not confuse your intuition with your fears, because you may pass on a really great opportunity, whether it’s romantic, platonic and or business. Your 8th house, the house of mental health, debt and shared income will be activated once Jupiter enters Gemini in May
2024. Jupiter brings good fortune, so it is very likely you will pay off a debt you’ve acquired or possibly even inherit money. The topics of money will be a highlight, whether you receive it, pay it off, or simply restructure your relationship with money. Mental health will also be a highlight during this time. It is very likely you start therapy and or start taking your mental health more seriously. The energy is guiding you to take care of the traumas of the past so you can transform into a new and evolved version of you.
- Nick Grigolia wears all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles
- Nick Grigolia wears all clothing and accessories available at Paume Los Angeles