Inja Zalta is a Slovenian actress, known for No Escape (2020), Rustlands (2019) and Godhead: In a fiction, In a dream of passion (2021). Photographed exclusively for Reserved magazine by Sinisha Nisevic. Editor Jules Wood. Makeup and hair by Mynxii White. Interview by Bonnie Foster. Photographed in Los Angeles.

Suit & scarf – HELEN ANTHONY, sunglasses – BARTON PERREIRA
How did you become interested in acting?
I have loved performing ever since I can remember. As a kid I would often imagine my life as a film. When I was a teenager I went on some auditions and attended improv school. I was also modeling a lot, which I enjoyed because I could perform and explore different versions of myself. I fell in love with acting when I got my first big acting job. I was like: I can get paid to have fun and be challenged? That’s a dream job.
How do you juggle running a company while pursuing your acting career?
It’s fun! I love to do different things, although sometimes it’s quite hard to schedule it all. I love to be focused on one thing and make that good, that’s why if I don’t make an exact plan, I find my energy too diffused.
What is your morning routine?
I drink a lot of tea and do breathing exercises, followed by meditation. I like to eat a very late breakfast.
The massager was invented by an amazing man Neno, from Croatia. I am a big massage fan and I also love giving massages to myself. Me and my partner loved it so much that we decided to buy the prototype. We redesigned it and made it better. We are also working on putting out other products for massage and body care.
What is your favorite memory from childhood?
I loved playing and climbing trees with my neighbor. We built a “tree house” for her rabbit and my guinea pig. We were in nature a lot doing day trips, and we would take the animals too. We carried them around in the bicycle basket.
What was your favorite part of the COVID-19 quarantine? Your least favorite?
My favorite part was summer in Slovenia and Croatia. It was really nice to spend a longer period here after being in Los Angeles for a few years. The city was alive, and everything felt almost like normal. I also loved quarantine because I had time for myself, my work and hobbies. It was good to pause, see where I stand and organize myself. But the beginning was a bit challenging. I left from sunny California to gray Europe with a ton of problems in the middle of a pandemic. Psychologically it was very intense.

Blouse – HELEN ANTHONY, faux leather pants – MONIQUE SINGH, boots – LENA ERZIAK, sunglasses – BARTON PERREIRA
What advice would you give to young actors and entrepreneurs who want to succeed? Is there anything you found to be really important in your journey as an artist and businesswoman? Any mishaps you could have avoided?
Patience. When I was younger I wanted results right away, and if I didn’t get them I was not motivated. Now I am learning that everything needs time and that I have to be patient, set boundaries and work hard. If you put time and energy into something you love, the magic will show up.
Take risks and go out of your comfort zone. That’s how you grow. And failing is ok; it’s just an experience that makes your skin thicker. One other piece of advice is: connect with like-minded people. We can achieve so much more in groups than alone.
What are you working on now, any new film projects in the works?
At the moment I am creating in Europe and staying here for a few months to finish filming some projects, while also preparing to start another company. I am very excited for all of it but can’t tell you everything about it just yet. You will find out soon 😉