Courtesy Sav Gallery
Tucked in a stylish corner of West Hollywood, SAV GALLERY, is a dynamic space that celebrates unique voices, diversity and artistic innovation by Founder, Stefania Arrivabene Varney and Partner, Emily Mace. On the first rain of the winter season, SAV Gallery previewed their final exhibition for 2023 – ‘Artficium Sui Generis’ comprising of five up and coming artists with unique and hands on craftsmanship approach to their art.

Courtesy Sav Gallery
Andrea Collessano (Italy) begins with the effect of the “invecchiatura” (to make it older) by using tea on his canvas, often become the starting point to create his works. He evokes dreamlike elements mixing in the accuracy of almost scientific and obsessive details. Andrew Malone (England) focuses on pieces that are formed from a configuration of components: altered and cut-out elements from maps and books, found objects such as feathers and pressed flowers, real objects such as postage stamps, cigarette cards, and this show’s focus: match-boxes. Bastiaan Van Stenis (South Africa) chooses subjects and mediums that are wide-ranging; using various paints, glues, paper, wax, and incorporates found objects to express his artistic messages. Hannah Ehrlich (Atlanta) creates her pieces by blending and distorting multiple textile practices such as weaving, crocheting, macraméing, and sewing. Utilizing paint, dye, and bleach on manipulated fabric to alter the material from its original, recognizable state. Creating an unfamiliar space and generating a desire to touch and understand the fiber’s change in nature. Pablo Serrano (Mexico) uses hard and cold materials such as plaster, steel and bronze to expresses his feelings and perspectives of how humans can achieve greatness and success in work despite living in a world of money, pain and materialism.

Courtesy Sav Gallery
Each artist with a standout message and portrayal through their work was seen at the preview by a mixture of equally talented humans in their own craft. Such as Sofia Boutella, Shelly Henning, Josh Varney, Francesco Costa, Lily Piper and Alexander Gilkes.

Courtesy Sav Gallery
S.A.V Gallery, 644 ½ N. Robertson Blvd, 90069, Los Angeles, CA